Parents Voice in Government School Education

What Parent Clubs do

The Parent Club’s exact role varies from school to school, however it must always be consistent with Education Regulations and Education Department procedures. Each club should have its own Ministerially approved constitution which describes its role and membership.

Clubs often focus on three different areas:

  • Educational issues
  • Fundraising
  • Social activities.

All aspects are valid within the definition providing that the club’s purpose is to work for the benefit of the students and school.

Parent Club as a forum

The Parent Club provides a forum for all parents to discuss issues, exchange and share information and concerns. Parents support one another through pooling of knowledge.

Read more: The Parent Club as a Forum

School Council

The Parents Club works in co-operation with the School Council in ensuring quality education provision for the school and students. The Parents Club stimulates interest in the school and encourages participation in all elements of school life. Sometimes parents will confuse the role of School Council with that of a Parent Club. Read more about the differences in our Parent Clubs and School Councils article.

Who can join?

The Model Constitution for Victorian Parent Clubs specifies that, “Membership shall be open to any parent or guardian of a child attending the school or any other interested individual of the immediate school community.”

An annual membership fee is no longer mandatory. Parents can become members simply by registering. Voting rights are only given to registered members.

Further reading