Parents Voice in Government School Education


Reach our network

Parents Victoria represents thousands of parents across Victoria and has strong links with many organisations in the education sector.

We are happy to work with appropriate businesses to forward details of your products and services to parents in government schools. You can advertise in our newsletter Parents Voice, on this website, on our Facebook page or at our Annual Conference.

All prices quoted include GST.

On this website

  • Logo link on the homepage of our website for 12 months: $935
  • Logo link on the fundraising page of our website for 12 months: $220
  • ‘Advertorial’ on the fundraising page for 3 months: $220

In our email newsletter Parents Voice

Parents Voice is distributed to a list of our members and contacts 11 times per year. 

  • Text + image ad: 100 words maximum text with image (564 x 200 pixels) and link to your website: $484 per issue.
  • Large image (564 x 200 pixels) including a link to your website: $242 per issue (see example).
  • Small image (264 X 200 pixels) including a link to your website: $99 per issue.

On our Facebook page

  • Initial Posting: $165
  • Repeat postings within 2 months: $88

Facebook posts are limited to 150 words plus image and link, (note that Facebook will add a ‘readmore’ after 477 characters). Facebook posts will be clearly marked “Advertisement” and carry a disclaimer that PV does not endorse the products/services advertised.


Advertisers indemnify Parents Victoria against all liability arising out of publication of the advertisement. Parents Victoria does not endorse the products or services advertised and reserve the right to refuse advertising that conflicts with its policy.


To discuss advertising with us, contact our Communications Officer Alan Davies via email.

Sponsor our Conference

Sponsorship of the Parents Victoria Annual Conference gives you the opportunity to:

  • Extensively expose your business to parents of children in Victorian Government schools
  • Create and/or enhance a state profile for your business
  • Demonstrate your support of public education
  • Stay abreast of key issues for parents

Promotional material for the Conference is sent to every Government school and to many organisations and individuals in the education sector.

Major Sponsorship

  • Your logo on conference promotional material clearly identified as the major sponsor
  • Promote your product or service in a prime position at our Annual Conference
  • A 5-minute spot to address conference delegates at Annual Conference
  • Logo link to your website from our home page for a 12 month duration
  • A 564 x 200 pixel advertisement in our Parents Voice e-newsletter for 6 editions
  • Registration for one conference delegate
  • Cost: $5,000

Minor Sponsorship

  • Set up and promote your product or service at Annual Conference
  • Recognition at conference
  • A logo link to your website on our fundraising page for 3 months
  • A 564 x 200 pixel advertisement in our Parents Voice e-newsletter for 6 editions
  • Registration for one conference delegate
  • Cost: $1,500

Other sponsorship options

  • Sponsor a component of the Conference, e.g. conference dinner, a speaker, country delegates. Price on application.
  • Sponsor another of our events such as Parents Forums. Price on application.


Sponsors indemnify Parents Victoria against all liability arising out of the sponsorship and any associated advertisements. Parents Victoria does not endorse the products or services offered by sponsors and reserves the right to refuse sponsorship which conflicts with its policy.


To discuss sponsorship of our Conference or other events, contact our Communications Officer Alan Davies via email.