Parents Voice in Government School Education

If you’re interested in the ideas and resources on this website, you may want to take the next step and invite John Hendry to work with your school. John takes a holistic approach, working with staff, students and parents to create positive and enduring cultural change.

Every school is different and John will tailor his program to your needs.

A typical Relationship Based Education program in a school will have the following components:

Meeting with school leadership

John will meet with your school leadership to plan out the program, including:

  • Identifying the issues
  • Getting to know your school
  • Setting goals
  • Identifying your needs

Staff workshop

John will introduce the core concepts of Relationship based Education – what is a quality relationship, why relationships are so important to learning, the importance of trust, forgiveness, integrity, hope and compassion in the educational setting. John’s presentations draw from his many years of experience as an educator and his wide reading and research on the topic to provide an inspiring and thought provoking experience for staff.

John can use online video-conferencing services such as Zoom to meet with staff or give a presentation at a staff in-service.

Parent workshop

The parent workshop will typically cover issues such as:

  • Empowering parents to be proactive positive contributors as critical stakeholders in the education of their children
  • Family-school partnerships and relationships
  • Parent investment into education and one of the critical characteristics of the investment; trust.

Student workshop

John will work with students on issues such as forming relationships, identifying the elements of a quality relationship and emotional regulation.

Combined workshops

The whole school community – staff, parents and students – can be brought together for a combined workshop to explore the issues and create a shared vision for the future.

Support for writing school policies/documents

Schools will often want to put the ideas of Relationship Based Education into practice by creating new policies, teaching materials, posters and flyers to create the cultural change they aspire to. John has been through this process many times. His emphasis is on supporting the school to create the documents themselves, using his experience and expertise to back up the school’s own process of creating a new vision based on its own aspirations and knowledge of its own community.

Ongoing ‘roadside assistance’

John will remain available to help schools through problems that may emerge over time. Implementing Relationship based Education in your school may take a long time; John will provide the support and advice you need to make it happen.

Photo: Posters displayed in readiness for a Relationship Based Education student workshop at Deer Park North Primary School. 

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