(Campus Principal, School for Student Leadership – Snowy River Campus)
John has visited our school as a guest speaker to talk to our year 9 students. John has an amazing ability to walk into a room as a stranger and in a short time become a friend. He can capture the attention of 45 teenagers with his kindness, zest for life and ability to share his life through story telling. John offers a powerful insight into the importance of creating and maintaining relationships and shares his 5 elements of relationships through powerful and engaging life events. John reinforces the importance of developing our Emotional Quotient (EQ) as this ultimately will have a bigger impact on our life choices and outcomes than our Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
John lives his values and ‘walks the talk’, I have found John very easy to relate to and has become a great friend of our school. Our students relate well to John and often refer to his 5 elements in discussions throughout the program. Student feedback to John is overwhelmingly positive and his message has a positive influence on our school community. John’s message and Philosophy compliments our school values of Self-Belief, Connectedness and Relationships.
I have no hesitation in recommending John as a guest speaker or as an advocate for improving relationships and outcomes for young people.