Sessions 1 and 2: P-6s
- John connected brilliantly with the students. They found his presentation fun and engaging. They loved the pet activity and the magpie story. Staff were also had very positive reviews about John’s presentation…
Session 3 and 4: 7/8s
- John connected and worked very well with the 7/8s. He started the session by asking each of the students about their interests and who was in their family.
- Staff said that he was very engaging and handled some of the more challenging students extremely well.
Session 5 and 6: 9-VCE
- John’s presentation connected very well with our school’s wellbeing goals with students, staff, and the community. Students in VCE and in year 10 were engaged with 5x Qualities to create successful relationships: Trust, Forgiveness, Integrity, Hope, Compassion. John effectively explained each of these components by describing each term in detail and connecting them with his personal experiences…
- VCE Student – Gus: Liked John’s advice of making connections and forming relationships based on what you can give, as opposed to what you can take. He also stated that john’s ability to connect these lessons to personal experiences strengthened its meaning and importance.
Staff and Parents
- Discussions with staff and the parents who attended, liked the emphasis of making and building on positive relationships with those around them. Being in a small and isolated community, there isn’t exactly a lot of choice in the people that you spend time with. It makes sense to foster positive relationships with those people that you spend most of your time with.