Parents Voice in Government School Education

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meetings have their own specific procedures, as follows:

  1. The month in which the The Annual General Meeting must be held is specified in the club’s Constitution. It is usually held in the month in which the anniversary of the inaugural meeting falls.
  2. The president should convene the Annual General Meeting, the business of which should include:
    1. The presentation and adoption of a treasurer’s report.
    2. The election of office bearers. The election should be chaired by someone who is not a member of the club (usually the Principal is pleased to perform this duty.)
      1. The club should have as a minimum number of office bearers a president, secretary and treasurer.
      2. As specified in the Model Constitution, “Voting shall be by a show of hands unless a majority of those present request a secret ballot.”
      3. Only registered members of the club are eligible to be nominated for office or to vote in the election for office bearers.
      4. Office bearers will be elected to office for a period of twelve months or until the next annual general meeting.
    3. An annual report of the club’s activities
      A written copy of the annual report should be available to all registered members of the club and the school council.

Order of business

  1. President declares the annual meeting open.
  2. Minutes of the last AGM are read, moved, seconded and adopted. President signs minutes if they are correct. Note –   The people who move and second the adoption of the minutes must have been present at the last annual meeting.
  3. President’s annual report is read, moved and seconded that it be adopted.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer reads and moves for adoption, seconded.
  5. Election of office bearers – All offices are declared vacant and nominations called for (if the president is conducting the election and wishes to re-nominate as president, he/she must vacate the chair until this position is filled). You can download a nomination form template from the Policy and Advisory Library (scroll down to third dot-point to get the download).
  6. If there is more than one nomination for any position a secret ballot should be held.
  7. President addresses members if desired.
  8. General Business
  9. The president declares the Annual General Meeting closed.

AGM template

We have prepared an agenda/minutes template to help you through the AGM.

The treasurer’s report

Parent Club treasurers should liaise with the school Business Manager, to agree what is the appropriate report to present to Parent Club members, at the Club’s AGM. For example – this could be an Annual Financial Statement for the past financial year for the Parent Club sub-program in CASES21.
Timing of the school’s audit review may or may not coincide with the timing of the Parent Club AGM (schools are not audited on an annual basis). Again, liaising with the school Business Manager will be key for the Treasurer’s Report.

In addition, Parent Club Treasurers may wish to provide a more personalised report to Club members, for example:

  • Main activities of the club for the year
  • The year’s highlights
  • Major sources of income
  • Fundraising results
  • Major purchases made for the school as funded or contributed to from Club funds.

How to change the date of your AGM

The month in which the AGM will be held is specified in the club’s Constitution.

Please note that all Victorian Parent Clubs must adopt the Model Constitution provided by the Education Department. Only 2 changes to the Model Constitution are permitted; the club name and the month of the AGM. The following advice is from the DET Policy and Advisory Library.

“Any proposed changes to the Constitution should be circulated to members one month prior to the meeting the changes will be voted on. Should the club wish to change its name or the month of the Annual General Meeting as stated in the Constitution, this change should be voted on at the Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting.

This should be minuted and kept as part of the club’s records.

Following endorsement at the Annual General Meeting or General Meeting, all changes to the Constitution must be forwarded to the Department for approval by the Minister (or delegate) by email to: