The Starting school web page is a great place to get started if you need information about getting your child into a Victorian government school.
Each year the Department of Education releases updated enrolment information to support schools and their community.
This year, important updates include:
- a new Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline
- updated guidance for prioritising enrolment applications
- updated forms to support enrolment.
Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Timeline
Enrolments for Foundation (Prep) 2024 in Victorian government schools are now open.
If your child will be 5 years old by 30 April 2024, they can start primary school next year. Make sure to submit your application to a government primary school by Friday 28 July 2023. Enrolling early ensures your child gets the best start possible.
Schools will notify you in writing of the outcome of your application between Monday 31 July 2023 and Friday 11 August 2023 (if you submitted your application by Friday 28 July 2023). If you receive an enrolment offer you should accept the offer by Friday 25 August 2023.
For more information, visit the Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) web page.
Guidance for prioritising enrolment applications
All children have the right to attend their designated neighbourhood school (known as their local school). You can find your local school on the Find my School website.
You can also apply to a school that is not your local school.
In some cases, a school may not have enough space to enrol students from outside their zone. In these cases, schools manage enrolments using the Placement Policy’s ‘priority order of placement’. This tells schools how to prioritise out-of-zone applications when limited places are available.
The department’s Placement Policy has been updated to simplify the priority order of placement. Students outside the school zone will be prioritised for enrolment in the following order:
- Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time
- All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.
For more information, visit the Enrolling in school web page.
New forms to support school enrolment
Standardised forms have been released to support enrolments – a new application form and a revised enrolment form.
The application form enables parents and carers to express interest in enrolling at a specific school, without needing to complete a detailed enrolment form. The form only requests information that schools need to prioritise enrolments according to available space.
Not all schools will use the application form. Schools may choose to not use an application form if they have the space to accept all students.
You will receive an enrolment form if your application is successful, or if the school has enough space to immediately offer enrolment. This form seeks personal and health information that should only be provided to the school your child will attend.
Contact your local school, and any other schools you are considering, to request the relevant forms for enrolment.
Transition to secondary school
Year 6 to 7 placement information for 2024 is now available, with packs and factsheets for parents and carers available on the Moving from primary to secondary school web page