Parents Voice in Government School Education


Different parents will join the Parent Club for different reasons. Some may be interested in organising social events and fundraisers, others in discussing current issues, and others in learning from guest speakers… and each other. If your Parent Club has diverse interests, the answer might be to form sub-committees. Small groups of like-minded parents can gather in these sub-committees and focus on what they’re really interested in.

A Parent Club can have as many sub-committees as it sees fit, so long as they are supervised by – and report to – the elected Committee. The Club should always conduct regular General Meetings that include all Club members, and any sub-committee meetings should be additional to that. You could even hold a brief General Meeting and then split off into sub-committee groups if that suits your members, or the sub-committees can meet separately.

Sub-committees should always be answerable to the elected Committee, not see themselves as independent groups.