Parents Voice in Government School Education

Committee: office bearers overview

All clubs must have a president, secretary and treasurer. Clubs that are members of Parents Victoria should also have a Parents Victoria representative. Many clubs also have some or all of the following: vice president(s), assistant secretary, assistant treasurer, publicity officer and committee members. Other positions may be developed according to the needs of the club. All office-bearers should be elected annually to their positions.

Shared responsibilities

All office bearers share responsibility for ensuring that the club operates within Department of Education regulations and procedures and in accordance with the club’s Constitution.

All office bearers are responsible for maintaining good liaison with the school community which includes the Principal, School Council, Student Representative Council/Junior School Council, staff and school families.


The president is the spokesperson for the club and often represents the club at official functions. The president has an important role in generating enthusiasm and interest in the club. She/he is the facilitator and often the mediator of the group. The president of a club acts as chairperson of the meetings and it is his/her duty to make sure that meetings are conducted in an orderly fashion.

Read more about the president role



The main tasks of the secretary are preparation of minutes and agenda and dealing with correspondence. The secretary is also usually responsible for the practical arrangements relating to meetings e.g. ensuring adequate seating and refreshments.

Read more about the secretary role



It is the treasurer’s responsibility to keep accurate records of receipts and expenditure, to supply a statement of finances to general meetings, to prepare an annual financial statement which must be presented to the Annual General Meeting, and to ensure that all monies received are lodged promptly with the school Business Manager.

Read more about the Treasurer role


Parents Victoria Representative

The PV Rep receives and circulates correspondence from Parents Victoria. This includes the regular email newsletter Parents Voice and invitations to special events. The PV Rep may represent their club at our Annual Conference, or arrange for other club members to do it. It’s a good idea to build in a brief “Parents Victoria Report” as a standing agenda item at each club meeting, so the Rep can update members on what PV is doing on their behalf. Some clubs appoint the president as PV Rep also, but given that president is already a demanding role, it’s better to have a separate PV Rep if you can.