Here’s a great example of a Family Engagement Policy from Broadmeadows Valley Primary School in Melbourne’s north-west.
A few excerpts:
From the “Rationale” section:
Broadmeadows Valley Primary School recognises that Family Engagement in school benefits students; by solidifying the connection between home and school, complementing and enhancing classroom achievements, fostering a good attitude to learning and providing an opportunity for students to incorporate their family context and culture into their learning journey.
From the “Aims” section:
- To enable parents to play an active part in their child’s learning and to understand what is taking place at school.
- To recognize parents/family members as vital learning partners in improving student outcomes.
From the “Implementation” section:
- Families will be welcomed into the learning spaces.
- Information will be provided in community languages wherever possible.
- The BVPS Community Hub will provide family members with an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills.
- Family Engagement will be considered as part of all Professional Learning and Curriculum Design sessions.
- A culture of recognition for Family Engagement will be established and celebrated.