Parents Voice in Government School Education

Reporting concerns about teacher conduct

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you should report a concern about the conduct of a registered teacher or early childhood teacher, or about how the education setting may have handled the conduct? Did you know what to do?

The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) has published a Conduct Reporting Guide to help parents navigate the process of reporting conduct about which they have concerns.

The Guide was produced following an initial suggestion by Parents Victoria that a guiding resource was needed and this was agreed to by other stakeholders. Over many months the resource was developed, refined, with collaboration of the regulators and stakeholders, and now has been released with the approval of the Minister. PV is very proud of this accomplishment.

The reporting process may vary in different scenarios, for example whether it’s in a school or early childhood setting. The Guide provides a flow-chart for each scenario.

The following resources are available:

  • Parent fact sheet. This is a good place to start; it introduces the Guide and has a download link for the full Guide. (PDF download)
  • Student fact sheet. A good place to start for students. (PDF download)
  • Conduct reporting guide. If you don’t need an introduction, this is the full Guide for members of the community, with all the scenarios. (PDF download)
  • Conduct reporting guide page on VIT website. This page shows all sections of the Guide, including those for teachers, schools and early childhood services. It also acknowledges all the organisations that contributed to the Guide.  (To see the most appropriate charts for parents, click the “For members of the community” button.)

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