Understanding and Managing Stress for You and Your Child
Dr Jodi Richardson
Parenting is a constant juggle of responsibilities and emotions that can often feel overwhelming. From sleepless nights with a baby to school challenges and teen struggles, every stage brings its own unique stresses. If you’ve ever felt like you’re barely keeping up, you’re not alone. It’s okay to admit that parenting is hard—because it is. Sometimes, more so than others.
Understanding stress is key to managing it. When stress hits, your body’s natural response kicks in—your heart races, muscles tense, and thoughts spiral. This is the stress cycle. While it can be helpful in short bursts, chronic stress takes a toll. Recognising the signs and completing the stress cycle through body-based strategies—like lengthening your exhale, engaging in physical activity, or practising mindful awareness—can make a real difference.
Managing your own stress is an essential part of parenting, as children are deeply attuned to your emotions. When you settle your own nervous system and share your calm with your child, it can have profound effects, including assisting you and your family to support your child at school.
When your child feels overwhelmed, start by regulating your own emotions using a calming strategy (see downloadable handout). Your steady, soothing presence helps them feel safe and regulates their nervous system. Meet them at their level, soften your expression, and listen without judgement. Validate their feelings and gently ask what they need to feel supported.
This process of co-regulation not only calms your child in the moment but also teaches them how to manage their own stress, building resilience and confidence over time.
Jodi has kindly made two resources available for parents:
- Finding Calm in the Chaos: Understanding and Managing Stress for You and Your Child
The stress cycle, signs of stress, practical strategies and more.
Download now - Practical Strategies to End the Stress Cycle
A handy list of tips you can print and put on your wall for those stressful times.
Download now