School camps under threat: PV media comment

Nine News has published a report on the threat to school camps arising from unfunded changes to teachers’ conditions. According to the report: School principals are warning they will have to axe student camps or hit parents with a big fee hike from next year unless the Victorian Government delivers more funding. New rules for […]
Kristin Reimer – Conference 2022

In this video, Kristin Riemer PhD from Monash University discusses the philosophical principles behind RbE, and case studies and research evidence to show the effectiveness of this approach – the ‘Why’ of our ‘What, Why, How’ of RbE.
John Hendry – Conference 2022

In this video, John Hendry OAM gives us an introduction to Relationship based Education. This is the ‘What’ of our ‘What, Why and How’ of RbE. John refers to a YouTube video about the Harvard longitudinal study on health and happiness – view the video on YouTube.
Minister Natalie Hutchins – Conference 2022

This video shows Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins speaking at our E-Conference on 24 October 2022. The Minister’s appearance was postponed slightly by urgent commitments related to the Victorian flood situation, but she still managed to participate from a car by the roadside. We thank the Minister for making the time to speak at our […]